• It was constituted the project’s management and implementation team
  • Goods and equipment were purchased ( such as furniture, telephone, computer equipment, audio video equipment) and the offices were equipped so that “Child Helpline and the mobile team” service could operate
  • Two psychologists were employed in „Child helpline and mobile team” service
  • Two social workers were employed in „Child helpline and mobile team” service
  • New employees attended training courses in the field of prevention and intervention in child abuse cases
  • We have developed the internal working procedures of the „Child helpline and mobile team” service
  •  “Child Helpline and the mobile team” provides counseling and on-site intervention for the appellate cases
  • „Save the children” Organisation – Mures branch provides psychological counseling services to children whose risk/cases was referred to „Child Helpline and mobile team” service
  • The “Save the children” – Mures branch offers counseling services and parental education to parents of abused, neglected, exploited children whose situation was referred to the Service “Child Helpline and the mobile team”
  • It was activated a Child Helpline: 0800 800 883 as a free emergency number for reporting a child abuse
  • It was conceived and is broadcast on local television a TV spot promoting the Child Helpline 0800 800 883
  • It was issued Mures County Council Decision No. 92 of 07.16.2015 on the approval of the Local Intersectoral Teams (EIL) Mures for preventing, combating violence and exploitation of children. EIL hold monthly sessions in wich they discuss the latest legislative, joint working procedures and notified cases of child abuse and neglect.
  • It was developed a “Methodological Guide for joint action/intervention in case of children at risk”
  • It was developed a “Methodological Guide for communicating with children at risk” (including illiterate child victims with mental disabilities or with various other sensory disorders – such as deafness, blind)

In April, six sessions are organized in order to disseminate the two methodological guides drafted to the staff from the local authorities from Mures county (police , municipalities, hospitals ,so on).

  • Child Helpline specialists take incoming phone calls on a daily basis, offering advice and, depending on the severity of the case presented, go to specified location to take appropriate measures. Since its activation, a total of 509 cases of abuse, neglect or child exploitation were seized thru Child Helpline.

  • TV spot promoting Child Helpline is still running on local TV stations.

  • Psychologists from Save the Children Association offer psychological counseling to children whose risk was notified by Child Helpline. Till this date, more than 60 children were counseled.

  • Save the Children Association –Mures branch hold meetings and offers parenting education for parents whose children have been at risk. More than 40 parents received parental counseling in these months of the project.

On September 20, 2016 took place the closing conference of the project, which was attended by representatives of all institutions responsible for preventing and combating violence against children both in Mures County and from its counterparts in the Central region (from Alba -Iulia, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Sibiu). The representatives of the Mureş Prefecture, the Mureş County Council and leadership of institutions and organizations involved in the project had the opening speech. The following were described: the implemented project, its beneficiaries, achieved results and the difficulties encountered. The two methodological guides designed were presented to participants. There were discussions about utility of services created and the need for collaboration between institutions in preventing and combating abuse of children. Conclusion of all participants was that the project was a success and it can be replicated in other counties.(for pictures, see Photo Gallery Section)

Dezvoltarea in judetul Mures a Retelei interinstitutionale de prevenire, interventie si combatere a violentei asupra copiilor © 2015
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Proiect finantat cu sprijinul financiar al programului RO10-CORAI, program finantat de Granturile SEE 2009-2014 si administrat de Fondul Roman de Dezvoltare Sociala