General presentation


PROJECT TITLE: Development in Mures County of an inter-institutional network for prevention, intervention and combat violence against children

The Project aims to develop in Mures County common mechanisms and tools, in order that all the actors involved ( within the private or public sector) in the field of prevention, control and intervention regarding reported cases of abused children have the necessary resources for their activities. Its implementation will have the following results:

– the development of an inter-institutional network for prevention, intervention and combat abuzive behaviours directed against children

– increased efficiency of intervention in risk reported cases by founding a specialized service for this activity, by aquiring specific equipment, by the developing interinstitutional common procedures for intervention, procedures that will be compiled into two methodological guides that will be diseminated and will ensure a higher professional level of the specialist involved in this area;

– raising awareness of the population regarding the abuse and its referral methods by carrying out information sessions, in 6 settlements( rural and urban) in Mures County and through intense promotion of phone numbers that can be used to report a situation of risk.

Responsible for Project implementation and for achiving its objectives are all partners involved, both public and private :The General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection from Mureş County, Mures County Police Inspectorate and the N.G.O. Save The Children, which will ensure the integrated nature of the proposed actions.

Among the planned activities are:

  • development of the new service “Child helpline and mobile intervention team”

  • founding of an inter-sectorial team consisting of representatives of local authorities and non-governmental associations operating in the field of child protection

  • activation of a Child Helpline as free service for the population for reporting cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation of children

  • elaboration of two methodological guides – one for a joint intervention involving child abuse events as well a guide for communication with children in danger of abuse ( illiterate children , children having mental infirmities or sensorial affections – being deaf, mute, blind and so on). The guides will be disseminated in multiple sessions to the social workers of the city halls ( 102 in number), to a number of 100 policemen and women serving at the Mures County Police Inspectorate and to 45 specialists working at various institutions involved

  • conducting awareness and information campaigns on the issue of violence against children

  • providing parenting classes for families in risk

  • providing counseling and intervention services for children in risk


  • policy makers and specialists form the local authorities with responsabilities in social care, especially with responsabilities in child protection

  • Participants to the campaigns which will be organized in six locations from Mures County

  • Representatives of NGOs working in the field of child protection

  • Children (0-18 years) in risk requesting support by calling the Child Helpline


  1. General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection Mures – applicant

  2. Mures County Police Inspectorate – partner

  3. « Save the children » NGO, Mures branch – partner

Project value: 546.511 lei, about 123,000 Euro

Contract financing the project was signed on 07.05.2015.

Dezvoltarea in judetul Mures a Retelei interinstitutionale de prevenire, interventie si combatere a violentei asupra copiilor © 2015
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Proiect finantat cu sprijinul financiar al programului RO10-CORAI, program finantat de Granturile SEE 2009-2014 si administrat de Fondul Roman de Dezvoltare Sociala