Implementation Team


Project management is ensured by DGASPC Mures with a team composed of:

– Project manager

– Assistant Project manager

– Responsible for the financial aspects of the Project

– Responsible for procurements

The implementation team consists of specialist from the Child helpline and mobile team office and from the two project partners – Mures County Police Inspectorate and the “Save the children” Organization – Mures branch, with the following functions:

  • responsible for coordination of policy intervention
  • social worker (2 people)
  • psychologist (2 persons)
  • responsible for coordinating project activities in the Mures County Police Inspectorate
  • psychologists from Association “Save the Children” Mures branch (2 people)
Dezvoltarea in judetul Mures a Retelei interinstitutionale de prevenire, interventie si combatere a violentei asupra copiilor © 2015
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Proiect finantat cu sprijinul financiar al programului RO10-CORAI, program finantat de Granturile SEE 2009-2014 si administrat de Fondul Roman de Dezvoltare Sociala