Press release

On September 20, 2016 took place the closing conference of the project, which was attended by representatives of all institutions responsible for preventing and combating violence against children both in Mures County and from its counterparts in the Central region (from Alba -Iulia, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Sibiu). The representatives of the Mureş Prefecture, the Mureş […]

Project Evolution

It was constituted the project’s management and implementation team Goods and equipment were purchased ( such as furniture, telephone, computer equipment, audio video equipment) and the offices were equipped so that “Child Helpline and the mobile team” service could operate Two psychologists were employed in „Child helpline and mobile team” service Two social workers were […]


During project implementation, according to the activities provided, the following were purchased:   Goods and equipment required in order to equip the space in which they operate “child helpline and mobile team” office such as:   FURNITURE    IT EQUIPMENT VIDEO AUDIO EQUIPMENT Desks PC Telephone with accessories Chairs Printer, Xerox, fax Mobil phone Filling […]

Dezvoltarea in judetul Mures a Retelei interinstitutionale de prevenire, interventie si combatere a violentei asupra copiilor © 2015
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Proiect finantat cu sprijinul financiar al programului RO10-CORAI, program finantat de Granturile SEE 2009-2014 si administrat de Fondul Roman de Dezvoltare Sociala